Amixa Website Designers Pittsburgh, PA

Non Profit and Community-oriented Websites

AMIXA is a strong believer in community and non-profit organizations. As such, we allocate a portion of our time each year to working with these types of groups as part of our corporate philosphy. We have an extensive track record with non-profit and community organizations.

We offer Significant Discounts on our services to the following types of organizations:

The discounts that we offer non-profits apply to new projects and site overhauls. Please contact us for more details on your specific project.

We'd like the opporunity to work with your organization. Please contact us today for more information on our pricing for your organization.

501c3 &
Non-Profit & Community Groups

We offer special pricing for your organizations »

Now available!
The Amixa Alumni Management System is a sophisticated web-based alumni management application.

Call Us ANYTIME for a
no-obligation quote!

We're here to
serve you!

Read about the myth of "Cheap web sites" here... »