Amixa Website Designers Pittsburgh, PA

Web Site Redesigns

We have experience in fixing, overhauling and breathing new life into old web sites.

If you can answer "YES" to any of the following questions, contact us for a free, no obligation consultation on how we can help you.

Is your web site old?

Does your site not look "current" like other sites you see today?

Is your site not generating the traffic you had hoped for?

Does your site have broken links, images or a broken layout?

Does your content need updated?

Has the look and feel not changed in 24 months or longer?

Does your current webmaster ignore you?

Is your current webmaster sluggish in responding to your change requests?

Want to add new functionality to your web site?

Want a web design company with 14+ years of experience to help you reinvigorate your site?

Remember, your web site is a 24x7 representation of your organization. You have a narrow window of opportunity to impress your visitors or capture your sale. Let us help you improve your online image --- contact us today

501c3 &
Non-Profit & Community Groups

We offer special pricing for your organizations »

Now available!
The Amixa Alumni Management System is a sophisticated web-based alumni management application.

Call Us ANYTIME for a
no-obligation quote!

We're here to
serve you!

Read about the myth of "Cheap web sites" here... »